व्यावसायिक तरकारी खेतीले पर्मल सार्कीलाई शसक्त वनायो

जोरायल २ बुडर डोटीका पर्मल सार्की (४८) आफ्नो बुवाले घर खर्चका लागी लिएको ऋणको व्याज तिर्न करिव १७ वर्ष जति हलिया काम गरे । जग्गा वेचेर ऋण तिरेका उनले वजारमा लेवर काम गरेर गुजारा गरिरहेका थिए । हलिया मुक्त भएको कही वर्ष पछी व्यावसायिक रुपमा तरकारी फलाउन थालेपछी उनलाई मनग्य आम्दानी हुन थालेको छ । बुडर वजार नजिकै रहेकाले तरकारी विक्री गर्नमा कुनै समस्या छैन । तरकारीले राम्रो मूल्य पाएको छ । २०६६ साल देखी तरकारी खेती गर्न थालेका पर्मलको शुरु शुरुमा यो तरकारी खेतीले जिवन निर्वाहका लागी मात्रै पुग्दथ्यो ।
१४ जनाको परिवार, खर्च धान्न गाह्रो हुने वताउने पर्मलले इभेन्जेलिकल लुथरन चर्च अमेरिका ÷लुथरन विश्व फेडरेशन नेपाल र उपेक्षित समुदाय सशक्तिकरण तथा विकास मञ्च डोटीको सहयोगमा आधुनिक तरिकाले तरकारी लगाउन सिक्नुका साथै टनेल÷पोली हाउस र तरकारीका विउ विजन सहयोग प्राप्त गरे । उनि भन्छन् “शुरुमा खासै आइडिया थिएन, पुरानै तरिकाले तरकारी लगाइन्थ्यो । जसले गर्दा घरको लागी मात्रै पुग्ने गर्दथ्यो । वर्षमा अलि अलि त्यै ८–१० हजारको विक्रि गरिन्थ्यो होला ।” आजभोली उनि तरकारी खेतीवाट मात्रै वर्षमा ७०–८० हजार कमाउछन् । अहिले उनको घर खर्च लगायत शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्यको व्यवस्थापनमा सहज भएको छ ।
आर्थिक समस्याका कारण आफुले पढ्न नपाएको पिडाँ पोख्ने पर्मल आप्mना छोराछोरीहरुलाई त्यस्तो पिडाँ नहोस भनेर दिनरात मेहनतका साथ खेतवारीमा काम गर्छन् । उनि भन्छन् “बुवाको स्थिती कम्जोर भएका कारण ५ कक्षामा पढ्दा पढ्दै स्कुल छाड्न वाध्य भए । तर मेरा बच्चाहरुलाई त्यस्तो हुन दिन्न ।” उनले अहिले एक छोरालाई जेटिए पढाइरहेका छन् ।
ब्यावसायिक तरकारी खेतीले पर्मललाई परिवार पाल्नमा सहज त वनाएकै छ नै, त्यसवाहेक उनि आर्थिक तथा सामाजिक रुपमा शसक्त पनि भएका छन् । उनि आजभोली लगनशिल मुक्त हलिया कृषि सहकारी सस्थाको नेतृत्वदायि भुमिका पनि निर्वाह गर्दछन् । उनि यस सहकारीमा मासिक रु ३००। जम्मा गर्ने गरेका छन् ।
उनि भन्छन् “यो सव देन इभेन्जेलिकल लुथरन चर्च अमेरिका÷लुथरन विश्व फेडरेशन नेपाल र उपेक्षित समुदाय सशक्तिकरण तथा विकास मञ्च डोटीका हो । यस सस्थाका प्राविधिकवाट मैले आधुनिक तरिकाले तरकारी खेती गर्न प्राविधिक सहयोग नपाएको भए मेरो घरपरिवारको हालत जस्तको तस्तै हुने थियो ।”

Commercial vegetable farming empowers: Parmal Sarki

To pay the interest of loan taken by his father, a 48 years farmer Parmal Sarki worked as haliya in the ex-master’s firm for 17 years long time. He returned the money by selling their land.  After some years of haliya emancipation he started the professional vegetable business near to Budar bajar of Doti. His vegetables has got good price in the market. There is no problem to sell the vegetable. Although in the initial time (2066 BS) of vegetable farming, the business was only for subsistence to his family but now his income is increasing.

Before getting the support from ELCA/LWF Nepal/USSBM, 14 members of his family became vulnerable to manage daily expenses of household. He got seeds and Poly-house as well as technical knowledge from organization. Now his vegetable farming is modernized. He says “I didn’t have any Idea in the initial period; I was applying traditional way, so my vegetables are only for subsistence. But when he transforms his business into modernize vegetable farming and earning 70 – 80 thousand per year.      

He couldn’t go to school because of financial problem. His economic status was very poor. He remembers that moment and focusing to teach his children. He is working hard in the farm. “I had left the school because of poor condition of my father when I was in class 5 but I am determined to continue my children’s schooling.” Now his one son is studying JTA

There is easy to manage daily expenses of family for Parmal Sarki by this professional vegetable farming. At the same time he is being empowered economically and socially. Now he is playing leading role in Laganshil freed haliya agriculture cooperative. And saving Rs 300/ per month in the cooperative.

Finally he says “Due to support of ELCA/LWF Nepal I could success in my life. I learnt the methods of modern vegetable farming from the technician of the organization. If I didn’t have this support, my family’s livelihood might not be changed. “